MSP Biennial Scientific Conference 2023 Photos
Behind the Scenes of the MSP Biennial Scientific Conference 2023
Knowledgeable speakers, an elegant venue and a smooth-running event. Kudos to the organizing committee for a memorable conference for all. Job well done indeed.
Pre-conference Workshop (Friday, 2 June 2023)
Sharing the photos of our pre-conference workshop held before our MSP Biennial Scientific Conference earlier this month. With our one and only Dr Rasidah as our main speaker and trainer, it was an amazing experience for all. The hands-on was indeed a hit, and participants needed to be torn away from their surgical instruments during breaks. A good learning experience for all participants!
Conference Day 1 (Saturday, 3 June 2023)
Setting the tone for an exceptional experience beginning with our international speaker, Dr Nikos Mattheos followed by the line-up of our local speakers. The first day of the conference started with a bang and kept the hype up all the way until evening. Good food, great venue and excellent speakers. Overall the curtain rose on an excellent first day.
Conference Day 2 (Sunday, 4 June 2023)
The second day kept the momentum with research presentations, talks and forums. The talks were engaging, the forums connected with the audience and the research was eye-opening. Old friends were reconnected, new friends made and happy faces throughout. The second day saw the curtain fall on an outstanding experience for all.
Thank you to all participants for your involvement at our event. MSP is indeed a society standing on the shoulders of giants with brilliant members supporting us at every turn. See you in 2025!